by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
You might not feel this as much in your bones as we do here, but the tax deadline is getting very close. This year, for reasons that at this point in our season would take way too long to explain, the tax deadline is April 18th (not 15th).We’re...
by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
There’s a lot going on out there right now as the visible signs of spring begin to emerge. While the birds sing with the morning sun and longer hours of sunshine brighten everyone’s outlook – the whistle of mortar shells continues to echo throughout Ukraine and the...
by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
Today’s issue we’re diving into tax filing extensions… and Ocala people do this for all kinds of reasons. Truthfully, extended deadlines and delays have been pretty commonplace in the tax world over the last few years. Sometimes life smacks you in the face and you...
by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
While many things are dividing the world right now, it’s good to know people can still unite around shared interests… like college basketball. According to an American Gaming Association (AGA) survey, something like 45 million people planned to wager $3.1...
by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
Believe me, I’ve seen some of the craziest tax claims in my office over the years, but claiming captured military equipment hasn’t been one of them. Recently the Ukrainian government assured its people they wouldn’t be held liable for taxation on any Russian...
by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
Change is sneaky… and (often) sudden, catching the best of us off guard and forcing us to scramble for some steady ground. Just consider the war in Ukraine. We’ve all been surprised by how quickly things have escalated in the last two weeks and by the devastation...
by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
The world seems to be hanging on a razor’s edge.There’s a lot of fear going around with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last week. With a 24-hour news cycle, a heap of different internet sources, social media feeds, and more, it’s difficult to not give in to it...
by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
Well, before I jump into money management for teens, let’s focus on the fact that a month has gone by since the beginning of tax season. And boy has it been a veritable whirlwind of activity in the Florida Tax Prep & Rep office. We’ve got our arms deep in the...
by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
Before I get into today’s discussion on how to reduce taxes in retirement, let’s talk about the combined excitement of the Super Bowl, the Olympics, and Valentine’s Day that has swept Ocala homes and businesses the past week. A surge of football parties, hours...
by Ken R Kohlhof | Uncategorized
So, I’m not one for constant gloom-and-doom talk, but I do believe in giving it to you straight. And here it is:Things at the IRS are a maelstrom of hot mess. Some very serious voices are sounding the alarm of impending disaster at the agency … and no one really...